Best price guarantee
U-Turn not only guarantees fair pricing, but also ensures that the products retain their value.
U-Turn offers the best price guarantee for all U-Turn paragliders with the seal of approval. This means that for a period of up to three months after signing the contract, our competence centers will take back a glider or refund the difference on request if the customer submits a written offer from another retailer that is more than 5% cheaper.
Buyback guarantee
U-Turn is now offering an offer that is absolutely unique in the industry: the buy-back guarantee for all U-Turn gliders with a seal of approval at a predetermined price. It works very simply and is only linked to four conditions:
- The umbrella is repair-free.
- The umbrella is in a condition commensurate with its age.
- The offer can only be taken up once per calendar year.
- A new U-Turn glider is purchased from an authorized competence center.
Of course, U-Turn also takes back repaired wings as a matter of principle, as we are aware of the outstanding quality of the service provided by our competence centers. The attractive conditions provide for the following low depreciation, staggered by month:
- Month: 10%
- 2nd-6th month: 4% each
- 7th – 30th month: 2% each
- 31st – 36th month: 1% of the gross sales price in each case.
- U-Turn guarantees a surrender value of 15% up to the 42nd month and 10% up to the 48th month.