Chief designer Ernst Strobl has added various design innovations to the PASSENGER 3. Wafer-thin Nitinol reinforcements on the leading edge keep the profile shape under tension right from the bottom. The super-elastic nickel-titanium alloy allows strong deformations and quickly returns to its original shape thanks to the memory effect. Complex ballooning calculations in conjunction with optimized wing pre-tensioning ensure perfect airflow around the profile. The High Pressure Crossport Design (HPCD) optimizes the cross-ventilation of the crossports and creates a balanced internal pressure of the wing. At the rear, miniribs (MRB) and the Brake Gathering System (BGS) ensure efficient transmission of brake forces. The riser is equipped with smooth-running roller trimmers, which makes work much easier. The riser also has an ear attachment aid that can be fixed in two stages.
High Pressure Crossport Design
Sorgt fĂ¼r eine optimierte QuerbelĂ¼ftung der Crossports, dies hilft Druckunterschiede im FlĂ¼gelinneren effizient auszugleichen und einen ausgewogenen Innendruck im gesamten FlĂ¼gels zu gewährleisten.
Mini Ribs
Die Mini-Ribs optimieren das FlĂ¼gelprofil entlang der Hinterkante und sorgen somit fĂ¼r ein besseres Bremsverhalten.
Precision Profile Nose
Das Precision Profile Nose-System sorgt mit Kunststoff-Verstärkungen in den Vernähungen fĂ¼r die Stabilität der Profilnase und optimiert damit die Strömung entlang der gesamten Eintrittsöffnung.
3D Shape
Das 3D Shaping sorgt fĂ¼r die gezielte Kontrolle der Spannung des FlĂ¼gels und somit fĂ¼r ein optimiertes Ballooning und eine faltenfreie KonturfĂ¼hrung.
Low canopy weight with a long service life – this is what the intelligent mix of materials and the high-quality workmanship of the PASSENGER 3 promises for a positive return on investment for commercial tandem providers. The PX40 from the Acro range ensures a long service life at the front of the upper sail. The PX20 gives it lightness with high durability.
